Monday, November 22, 2010

Profusion of Confusion

Title: "Remnants of ocean stories"
(click on image to view larger)
Every time I go down to the sea, I inevitably take pictures of kelp. I have an endless fascination with the lines they draw on the beach, the tremendous variations in tone as they slowly decay, and the variations of thin and thick. It's as if the ocean is a huge jet, and the kelp are contrails left at different times and in different directions. I imagine each represents a story, in the same way we often look up in the sky at contrails and wonder who's going where, and why. Perhaps one day I'll start to tell the kelp stories, illustrated with images like this.

1 comment:

J. M. Golding said...

Maybe you've already started to tell a kelp story with this picture :-) A beautiful composition that brings coherence to the chaos of the kelp's journey.