Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daily Practice 41/365

Title: "Two Pears Rampant on a Field of Blue"

There are times when I have an idea, but have to search for an alternative way to achieve it. Today when I came home from work, there was a delivery of firewood dumped in a pile in the driveway. Since rain is always in the forecast here during the winter, I wanted to move it and stack it under cover. Good exercise after a day sitting in my office helping students with last minute questions before their exam, but tiring.

After dinner, I was thinking of ideas for my daily practice. I wanted to explore a simple still life with a solarized image, and thought of using Fuji ASA3000 instant film with my holgaroid camera. The negative or "goop" side of the instant film tends to solarize as it dries, and can give some truly awesome effects. The only problem was a need to dig out the holga, find the instant back, the close up lens - it seemed a bit too much of an activation energy barrier to do all that after shifting the firewood. Then I realized that I could achieve my objective by using the Hipstamatic function on my iPhone in conjunction with a solarization action in Lightroom. Everything was close at hand, no energy barrier to overcome, and I tried out different lens/film combinations in Hipstamatic along with the various actions in Lightroom. Fun learning experience, and the result is an image where the pears seem to be levitating.

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